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  • Writer's pictureJolene Combs

22 Thankfuls in 2022

I have more to be thankful for this year than you probably have time to read about. So since we’re nearing the end of 2022 (How is that even possible?!) I’ll keep my list to the top 22 things I have to be thankful for this year. I’d love to hear what would be on your top list as well!

My 22 Thankfuls

  1. My husband. We got engaged 4 years ago today! What a wonderful adventure it’s been! I wouldn’t want to share it with anyone else.

  2. Our precious boy who isn’t a baby anymore! He’ll be 18 months old here in just a few weeks and I’m learning that time is a rude thief!

  3. An ever-changing, growing, and evolving Christian walk. I’m on a quest to make it my own and figure out what it looks like for a busy, stay-at-home-mom.

  4. Speaking of, I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my boy. I do my very best to not take it for granted.

  5. The home I share with my little family. We absolutely love hosting and the holidays bring plenty of friends and family through our doors. I’m thankful for a home to be proud of and love.

  6. My extended family. We keep in touch and see each other often. Seeing my parents become grandparents is such a beautiful thing.

  7. Friends that have become my sisters. I’ve talked about how difficult it is to make and maintain friendships as an adult. I’m so fortunate to have friends that I can depend on and others that I can share playdates with.

  8. I also have a wonderful Bible study group that I’ve been with since 2018! We share a bond that is unlike many others. (If you’re looking for one, check out Lane of Roses!)

  9. The talent/gift of writing. I’ve always found it to be a type of self-therapy session where I can get all my jumbled thoughts and feelings out. (Fun fact: I’ve been journaling pretty consistently since 4th grade!)

  10. I reread several of my favorite books this year and was reminded of how much I love to read. Thankful for quarantine back in 2020 that got me back into the groove of being a bookworm. (See my list of top favorite books here!)

  11. I have been tutoring for almost 4 months now and we’ve found our groove! My students seem to look forward to our sessions and I can see improvement. The real question is, will I ever go back to the classroom when I love this so much?!

  12. Christmas mugs! It’s a silly thing, but we have quite a collection of mugs in general, and we bring out the Christmas ones at this time of year.

  13. Music is a big deal in our home. Gus gets so excited whenever we put a record on and claps when a song he loves finishes. I always dreamed of sharing the love of music with my children one day.

  14. The chance my son and I have to explore the beautiful city of Lexington that we call home. When the weather is to my liking (Gus doesn’t care if its 22 degrees!), we have several parks that we could spend all day at!

  15. To piggyback off of that, we’ve been blessed to have the longest, most beautiful fall weather here in Kentucky!

  16. The joy of talking to my husband. I take it for granted some of the time, but we have so many precious memories of sharing deep and meaningful conversations over the 5+ years we’ve been together.

  17. Life lessons. Sometimes I learn from them. Sometimes I don’t. But I’m thankful for each and everyone of them.

  18. Gratitude. Can one be thankful for gratitude? I definitely think so! My personality naturally finds the positive and seeks out things to be thankful for. I know it doesn’t come as easily for others, so for that, I’m thankful.

  19. Library story time. Gus and I found the most perfect story time at one of our local libraries. We’ve made lots of friends and it’s one of the biggest highlights of our week.

  20. Our little family has been fortunate enough to have relatively little illnesses this year. We are so thankful for our health!

  21. Gus’ nap time. For two hours each day my little champion napper sleeps soundly and I’m able to do everything I need to do or absolutely nothing at all.

  22. Pasta & coffee. The only food and beverage I’ll ever need.

What would your top “thankfuls” be from this year? Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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