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  • Writer's pictureJolene Combs

My God Who Prays

“My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you.” John 17:9

Jesus praying. For some reason that isn’t the first image I call to mind when I envision Him. I see a caring friend speaking with Nicodemus. I see a laughing Jesus who is playing with the children. I see a compassionate Savior who met Mary Magdalene in her distress. But for some reason my first thought isn’t of Jesus praying.

Sometimes we view prayer as a last-ditch effort when we’re in trouble. We resort to prayer if we’re running late or when we are unsure about an exam. Jesus was never in situations like that so why did He pray?

Nonetheless, the Bible records this habit of His several times throughout the New Testament. I counted at least five times. (Matthew 11:25, Matthew 26:42, Mark 14:39, John 17: 1-26, & Luke 6:12) He taught us how to pray the Lord’s prayer. He prayed desperately in the Garden of Gethsemane. We know He blessed the small lunch that a boy brought for Him to feed over 5,000 people. He went alone, up many different mountainsides, to pray.

I imagine He also prayed blessings over families that came to Him. I can see Him praying with His disciples as they faced the challenges of following the Messiah. Even though I may not immediately imagine Him praying we have a beautiful example of one of His prayers found in John 17.

For 19 plus verses we read the intimate prayer that Jesus prays directly to His Father. Have you ever felt somewhat ashamed of “eavesdropping” on someone’s private prayer? I get a little feeling of that here.

We see so clearly the strong bond that Jesus and His Father had. He speaks of the love they both have for “...the ones you gave me from this world.” (verse 6) Jesus says several times that we belong to Him and the Father (verses 6, 9, & 10). I can hear the tenderness in His voice when He almost seems to remind the Father of the protection and care He provided while on the earth (verses 11-12).

Writing this devotional, it felt like this was a whole new side of Jesus I was seeing, or at least one I often forget. To think that the same God who formed the stars and the sea bent down to hear the prayer of His Son for me -- for us -- quite honestly leaves me speechless. I can’t help but ask the question, how will this change my prayer life?


  1. How does it make you feel to envision a praying Savior?

  2. What examples from Christ’s prayer life can you take to strengthen your own?


Jesus, when I read this prayer that shows your connection with the Father, I desire the same thing too. I want to open those lines of communication and not allow anything to hinder our bond. Thank you for this beautiful example and may I not just let it slip on by.

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