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  • Writer's pictureJolene Combs

5 Ways to Embrace Hope

It doesn’t take a very deep or thorough look around to see that hopelessness surrounds us. And that’s coming from an outgoing, optimistic extrovert! I tend to sweep the hopelessness under the rug and focus on the butterflies and rainbows whenever I can. I’m a 7 on the enneagram, that’s just what we do! But if I take a step back and try to see it in a new light, I can definitely see the hopelessness floating like dark, ominous clouds.

Christ hasn’t left us hopeless, though. Paul speaks to us in Romans 15:13 saying, “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (italics added for emphasis). When we tap into the true “source of hope,” the hopelessness of this world slowly begins to fade. It’s easier said than done, though. I’m going to share 5 ways we can embrace and cling to hope when all around us feels so hopeless.

  1. Practicing Gratitude

Have you ever tried to sit in your grumpiness and make a list of what you’re grateful for at the same time? Give it a try and I’d be interested to see how successful you are. It’s almost impossible for us to feel the hopelessness around us when we focus on, and even write out, the ways that God has blessed us. Next time you feel as though the hopelessness of the world is crowding in around you, grab the closest thing to you, whether it’s your phone, journal, or a random piece of paper, and start listing just 10 things that you’re thankful for. It doesn’t have to be a detailed list. It could be as simple as the warm coat you have to wear or as deep as the free gift of grace that is given to us daily. The point is to remember that gratitude does a great job of replacing the hopelessness around us.

  1. Praying Scripture

When we take God’s Word to heart, memorize, and store it there, He will bring it back to our memory when we need it most, especially while facing the hopelessness around us. Challenge yourself to memorize one of these verses and pray it to yourself throughout the day when things start piling up around you.

Psalm 16:9; Psalm 39:7; Psalm 119:114; Jeremiah 17:7; Jeremiah 29:11; Lamentations 3:24; Romans 5:5; Titus 2:13; 1 Peter 1:3

  1. Deep Breathing

Sure, it may sound a little “new agey,” but taking a minute to step away from a hopeless situation and separating yourself from the stress can do wonders. Even if it’s escaping into a closet and shutting things out. We all need a good reminder to just stop, rest, and remember to breathe to help adjust our mindset to reenter the seemingly hopeless world with a fresh perspective.

  1. Serving Others

It’s very difficult to focus on our own hopelessness when we’re working to serve others. What ways do you best serve those around you? Is it buying a cup of coffee for a friend? Maybe it’s sending a quick, encouraging text. Maybe you’re a master baker and can bless someone with delicious sweets! See if it doesn’t just brighten that person’s day and bring hope to their lives in a small way.

  1. Turning Off the Media

Lastly, we can help ourselves a lot by simply turning off the news and getting off social media for a while. So much of the time we intentionally, or unintentionally, surround ourselves with the hopelessness of this world that is broadcasted for all to see. When you feel yourself spiraling, take an honest look at your media intake and ask yourself if that’s the source of your stress. Maybe take a chance to unfollow those “stress-inducers” and find accounts and people that are hopeful instead.

God is our ultimate hope and He is begging us to turn to Him in our hopelessness and rest in the assurance that He’s fully in control. What ways do you find hope?

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